
and i would say, why are you complaining? he

 AYANA MORGAN WOODARD: I can't even think about wanting to buy a house. I can't even think really too much about buying, you know, a car that's really in my name. Because I have a loan that I'm going to have to end up paying back. Second, these passages are directed at parent subsidiary loans and stock investments, and do not specifically discuss brother sister loans or similar transactions. Finally, the passages are not the most persuasive or the strongest indications of Congressional intent. The passage from the TRA '86 was included only in the Blue Book and nowhere else in the legislative history to that law or to the TAMRA. Therefore, in this background, we formed the internal working group which has given its recommendations. Our idea of putting it in the public domain was to have an informed discussion and get stakeholders' inputs. The inputs have come and are under examination. Try to stay away from turning your article into a sales pitch. Give your re...